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Anglican Diocese of Edmonton Bishop Stephen London and (from left) Blake Holt, pastor for student ministries, St. John the Evangelist, Edmonton;  the Rev. Stephanie London, rector, St. Columba, Beaumont; the Rev. Madeleine Urion, rector, St. George's, Edmonton; and the Rev. Quinn Strikwerda, Inner City Pastoral Ministry (ICMP), participated in an anti-LGBTQ2+ counter-protest today at the Alberta Teachers' Association in Edmonton. 

"I am happy to be able to be at the counter protest to stand for a vision of full inclusion for the LGBTQ+ community," Bishop Steve posted on Facebook.

Bishop Steve, who was at the counter-protest for most of Wednesday morning, was approached by people who had spotted his "This Bishop Loves You" rainbow shirt. They commented that they had left the Anglican church many years ago when they didn't feel welcome. Others approached him simply to ask if they could take a picture of his shirt. They commented that they had left the Anglican church many years ago when they didn't feel welcome. Others approached him simply to ask if they could take a picture of his shirt.